Back in June 2010 I made a beautiful baby shower cake with a bird theme. A two tiered light green lemon cake with a baby bird nest with two blue birds and an egg for an expecting couple. A friend of mine from high school contacted me in making this cake for her sister and I was thrilled to do so. The couple had a beautiful baby boy born in July, 2010. Shortly after giving birth they realized he was not developing as a young baby should. Doctors were not sure what the reason was but were optimistic. Unfortunately, in January 2011, Baby Jackson passed away. The family has lost a beautiful and precious little boy, but he now has his angel wings in heaven.
There is an organization called KinderMourn ( KinderMourn addresses the special needs of grieving parents. KinderMourn helped this couple and their family as they continue to go through the grieving process.
For the best seven years KinderMourn has had an annual Duck Race held each year at the National Whitewater Rafting Center here in Charlotte. This year the Duck Race will held on Sunday, April 3, 2011. The ducks will race down the rapids and the winning duck will take home $5,000. You don't have to be present to win.
A little yellow rubber ducky can teach us amazing things about the power of hope. For grieving children and bereaved parents in Charlotte, these ducks and the Hope Floats Duck Race offer a lifeline. The assurance that no one is turned away from KinderMourn because of an inability to pay for counseling after the death of a loved one. For thousands of families in need, a duck offers hope, KinderMourn offers hope, your support offers hope.
Here is the process, it's really easy!!
Go to
Click on the duck
Click on Adopt a Duck
Click on Adopt under a team ( it's on the right)
Scroll down and click on Jackson John
Click on Amanda or Danielle
Then fill out the adoption form, in Memory of Jackson John deGorter
*Keep your email confirmation, it has your ducks' number, that way if you win you can claim your $5,000
If you wish to donate less than $25 for 6 ducks, you can call Kindermourn at 704-376-2580 (during normal business hours) and make the donation in Jackson's name!! Thank you again for your support!!!!
Thank you for your donation! Thank you for honoring Jackson and giving hope!!
Thank You!
Angela Barton

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