My husbands family has family get togethers several times a year. We all try to meet in the Charlotte area around Thanksgiving, then again around Spring/Easter in Raleigh and then the BIG family reunion with everyone else in Tennessee. We are usually very successful in getting just about everyone together each time! There are 3 siblings who each had 2 children, those children, except for the youngest in college, is married and we all have 2 children each, except for the couple who we were celebrating their son's 1st birthday this weekend. Carson is ONE!
With 14 adults (minus 2 husbands and one cousin) there were 8 children all under the age of 5 in one house! And what a blast these cousins had with each other! 4 girls, 4 boys! The littlest Carson is turning one this week, so we planned a family birthday party for him. His momma was throwing a Sesame Street theme party.
Now I can't take complete credit on this idea, I did borrow it from a friend of mine, BUT it was just to cute NOT to do for Carson, plus I got to experiment with two new different flavors of cake.
Birthday Boy Carson!
(before cake)
getting ready....
not so sure about the hat...
trying the cake....
and we have a winner - he does not like the cake! oh well...he tried and we all got our pictures