
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bubba and Bunny Brigade

This special cake is for a family whose little girl was diagnosed with Type 1 Juvenille Diabetes a few years ago. Each year they raise money for the JDRF Walk for a Cure.  JDRF's mission is to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research.  The money the JDRF Walk Team raises will go directly to support this life-changing research.

Their family team name, Bubba and Bunny's Brigade, is spin off of a nickname they had given their little girl as a baby.  Addy was a rather large baby and her family affectionately referred to her as Bubba.  The nickname stuck, as nicknames tend to do. Her mom says "I'm sure we'll phase it out as Addy approaches a "more sensitive" age, but for now she doesn't seem to mind.  "Bunny" is the stuffed bunny she has had from day one...they have been through a lot together.  Based on the current condition of Bunny, it will be interesting to see what lasts longer, the nickname or Bunny."

The family wears a special shirt with their team name and logo on it.  I helped with creating a sweet treat for the family to enjoy later that day at their cookout for family and friends.  
Go Team Addy!

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