
Monday, November 22, 2010

Gobble, Gobble!!

Happy early Thanksgiving!!
I hope you all have a wonderful Turkey Day
and enjoy spending time with family and friends.
Myself and another mom from my son's preschool class
were in charge of their Thanksgiving party today.
I offered to make the cupcakes...
Can you say Gobble Gobble?
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pretty In Pink

For a sweet little girl who was turning 4.
She was having her party at Gymboree and the theme was pink.
Sweet family of three little girls
and the birthday girl herself shares my birthday next week!
Happy Birthday Vivian!
(made a dozen of these yummy cupcakes too!)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy 70th Birthday!

This special cake was for a friend who was throwing a
surprise 70th birthday party for her close friend.
The family and her friends are BIG fans of my cupcake bites
so I decided to incorporate them on the cake.

I made the number 70 out of gumpaste
and painted it a bronze color
to go along with the fall feel I was going with, with the flowers.

I also did a brush embroidery technique on the sides of the cake.
After I drew the flowers on the side,
I took a damp paint brush
and pulled the edges of the design in toward the center.
First time trying this and I like the look,
needs more practice, but good first try!

Happy Birthday!

A New Little Princess

I was asked by a friend in our neighborhood to create
a beautiful princess theme baby shower cake for her best friend.
I love how my crown came out, it is made with gumpaste,
and painted silver with non-edible jewels on top.

The cake matched the colors of the invitations and the theme of the party!