
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Most of us can say we either know someone who has had or has breast cancer or even have it ourselves. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Tons of organizations around the country donate and give to the cause and spread information about early detection to women of all ages. A close friend of mine recently found out her mother has breast cancer. She went through some initial surgery and now she is going through chemo. She has a long battle ahead of her and her daughter has been right by her side the entire time! Besides her daughter, her husband and some amazing support from her friends have also helped this family with rides to the doctor and chores around the house as well as sending food and such by. I was asked to make a few sweet treats for her daughter to give to these amazing friends for all they have done for her mother since her diagnosis.
I made a dozen of these round cookies with the pink ribbon for breast cancer on them and not pictured is a few of my red velvet cupcake bites too.

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