
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Another school year has ended....

Tis the season for graduations and farewells. Seniors off to college and students graduating and entering the real world! My busy cake season of graduation cakes has begun! Here are a few things that I finished right before we left on our family vacation to Disney World last week.
Not the greatest lighting, my apologies, but I finished a graduation cake for a young teacher who was finishing her masters at UNC Charlotte, so the colors here are green and gold.

Here I made 50 almond cupcake bites for the French Honor Society at my alma mater - Providence Senior High School.

A "We'll Miss You" cake for a friend's coworker who was retiring.

My favorite creation all week! And one of those last minute ideas too!
I made cupcakes for the teachers at preschool and decorated them with chocolate butterflies. Kind of symbolic in that they helped my little guys grow and develop so much this year, just like butterflies grow and change.
I also gave them SteinMart gift certificates with this neat butterfly logo on them! To cool and a neat tie in with the edible gift! And Olivia's teacher taught her class about butterflies and they got to watch the caterpillars grow and change into butterflies before releasing them on the playground!

More to come next week!

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