Friday, May 7 was my daughters 4th Birthday. For all those moms out there, you know what I mean when I say, "Where did the time go? You were just a little baby yesterday when we took you home from the hospital!" Time flies and what a little lady she is becoming! Well, I was thrilled with the theme and design of her party that we picked. She is a Disney Princess Fan all the way! So we went with a Cinderella'ish type theme to her party and her cakes.
First I made a dozen delicious vanilla cupcakes with pink and purple swirl icing.

Her girly party with her friends from school was on Friday and it was just perfect! We had three girls, plus Olivia and they made Princess wands and Tiara's and played dress up and had a blast! I made a two tiered Princess castle cake for that party with Princess theme cookies
(which I realized I never took a picture of!)
And here is what I created for her parties. The castle was for her Friday party and the Cinderella glass slipper was for her family party on Saturday.