
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine's Day
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a very happy Valentine's Day too! I was busy this week making cupcakes, lots of cupcakes!

Here is what the kids and I made for their teachers at preschool.
They are not rose bouquets, but cupcake bouquets.
Miniature cupcakes that is.
And they each painted their pots for their teachers.
Then I made some yummy ice cream, I mean cupcake treats
for a preschool Valentine party.
Doesn't it look like real soft serve ice cream?
My kids weren't done painting yet...we then painted more flowers pots for the grandparents.
Each bouquet had 16 cupcakes.
Each pot had their handprints painted on them.
What I love is that from a distance everyone thought,
"Oh, how nice, flowers. Wait a sec...those are not flowers....
nope, there cupcakes! Yum!!

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